Program Description
Event Details
Want to make a difference in your community? Join the Teen Environmental Club for their monthly Adopt-a-Block cleanup! Meet in the Main Library Teen Space on the second floor, and we'll walk together to the nearby designated adopted block. Litter clean-up supplies will be provided.
All teens are welcome to join! This program is led by the Leading Edge Teen Advisory Board (LETAB) where teens gain leadership skills and work together to build community. Learn more about LETAB ยป
Physical Activity
By joining this class, you declare that you are physically fit and ready to participate and understand any physical activity may involve some risk of injury. You may rest at any time during the class. It is your responsibility to consult with your physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, health problem, or any other condition or medication that may affect your participation.
The participant assumes all risks of injury and illness that may result from such participation. The participant agrees to waive and release the Oak Park Public Library, its officers, employees, trustees, and agents and shall hold such persons/entity harmless from any and all liability for any claim, suit, or other cause of action which might arise from injuries, illness, damages, or loss which may occur on account of participation in such activities.