An unaffiliated discussion related to ethics in tech and (re) building trust. A gathering of individuals from different areas for a two day discussion and brain storming.
Shake Rattle and Read in the Veterans Room
Music and movement are paired in this big, joyful storytime designed for one-on-one interactions between caregivers and children up to age 5. Get ready to sing and dance with your child!
Masks Encouraged
Masks for everyone age 2+ are encouraged while attending this program.
Storytime's over, but the fun continues in the Veterans Room! Play, chat, dance - there's room for all, whether or not you made it to storytime today. Caregivers required, best for children 0-5.
Support Available for Caregivers of Children and Adults
Are you a family caregiver?
Celebrate Week of the Young Child with Work Together Wednesday!
Wednesday Movie Matinee: "River"
Wednesday Movie Matinee
Join us each Wednesday for an afternoon film screening at the Main Library!
April is Earth Month; the film "River" explores the timeless relationship between human civilization and Earth's rivers. Spanning six continents, this visual and musical tour-de-force is celebratory, cautionary, and ultimately hopeful.
An unaffiliated discussion related to ethics in tech and (re) building trust. A gathering of individuals from different areas for a two day discussion and brain storming.
Dungeons and Dragons Club!
Joins us for Dungeons and Dragons Club!
Meet a group, make some friends and learn more about how to play!
Attendees will be provided maps, figure standees and character sheets to host their very own Dungeons and Dragons Sessions!
Zines & Chapbooks: A Self-Publishing Workshop (Part 2)
Have you ever wanted a way to let people see your creativity, express your thought?