Tech Help Drop-In
Have a tech question? Join us for monthly Tech Help Drop-In sessions. Our digital learning staff will help you answer your technology-based questions and address your concerns about laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Sessions are limited to 15 minutes. Bring your questions and your device!
No registration required for these sessions. To protect everyone's safety, masks are required.
The Creative Studio is located on the third floor of the Main Library.
Masks Encouraged
Masks for everyone age 2+ are encouraged while attending this program.
China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led
some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access to U.S. technology and investment.
Just need some extra space for an education project, nothing else required!
Tablet Time
It's Tablet Time in the Children's Services Area! Try apps for drawing, music, and video creation, puzzles and games, coding, science, and more!
Try out a new app, play a favorite game, share with a friend or by play yourself. Kids will play on Children's Services iPad in the storytime room. For Kids in grades K-5.
Book discussion
Join Underdog Group as we host this writing workshop where a featured author/artist we will bring out shall be showcasing a skill, technique, or literary prompt.