English Language Conversation
English Language Conversation
Join other English language learners to practice English and learn new vocabulary in an informal setting. Conversation facilitators will lead the session with a variety of topics for conversation. Free and open to all English language learners.
The event is a spring piano recital for all my students.
Cuenta Cuentos con Kathy/Spanish Storytime With Kathy
Acompañanos para una media hora de cuentos en español con Kathy Valdivia. Ven a escuchar historias, canciones, y baile! Este evento ayudará con el crecimiento cognitivo y fomentará el amor por la lectura y el aprendizaje.
Masks Encouraged
Masks for everyone age 2+ are encouraged while attending this program.
Spanish Conversation Hour / Conversación en español
Spanish Conversation Hour
Join us for a casual hour of open conversation with other Spanish speakers. Whether you speak enough to hold a basic conversation or can rattle off long stories, all levels are welcome. No class, no formal lesson—just practice for current Spanish speakers.
Masks Encouraged
Masks for everyone age 2+ are encouraged while attending this program.
The Gamma Chapter of Lambda Kappa Omega Sorority is hosting a Girls' Day Out Pizza and Paint Party. All are welcomed to come eat, paint and learn about our organizations.