Support Available for Caregivers of Children and Adults

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This is not a library-led event.

Meeting/Event Description

Are you a family caregiver?

Do you ...
*Take a relative, spouse, neighbor, child relative under 18, or significant other to medical appointments or shopping?
*Prepare their meals for them?
*Clean after them?
*Make sure they take their medication or use medical devices?
*Supervise them because they cannot be left alone?
*Pick up medications, food, or other necessities for them?
*Meet with their teachers or social workers?

If so, you are a family caregiver.

Oak Park & River Forest Township Senior and Disability Services offer services for family caregivers who live in the area to support them in taking care of their loved ones without getting burned out.

For more information, or to register, call (708) 383-8060 or email